Chapter 1, Part 13: Krenshawz
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Starburst Cluster Shows Celestial Fireworks, NASA Goddard |
If you want to start at the beginning....
Rules for this referee-less, play by post game.
Chapter 1
Part 13
For the next hour, Lero watches as the Kopan ships scatter in eight different directions. He makes the tactical decision to head to the Kopan base and destroy the base of operations. This seems especially appropriate as the eight pirate ships jump.
Perez interrupts the focus on Kopan. “Sir, we’ve deciphered the boat’s transmission.”
Zernov and the Count approach closer to hear the conversation.
Lero’s asks, ”Did they send another message?”
Perez says, “Not that we’ve caught. The message they did send is this: ‘Deimos slabbed Segma. Aneh Akai is out. Believe they have prisoners. Await instructions.’” The intelligence officer sighs. “That’s is. No word on who they’re sending that too.”
”Anyway to figure that out?”
”Let’s make sure we do.”
Zernov looks at the count and captain. "Kopan had 8 capable ships... Jump 2 at that to make it to the next possible inhabited system, and they scrambled them within a mater of hours... This does not feel right, commander." The XO looks to the sensors station. "LT scan that base, any ships remain? any activity or did they really have enough jump ready vessels to perform a complete evacuation in the matter of hours?"
/roll 2d6+4
2d6+4 = (1+3)+4 = 8
LT. Simpson reports, "We're picking up hot spots where they're likely generating power. lights are on at least. with some time I can provide more."
Lero pulls up the imagery, spinning the holographic representation in the air. The hot spots flaring brightly. The commander says, ”Comms, get me a broadcast channel to their base.” After the comms officer says it is ready, Lero continues. ”This is Commander Callam Lero of the INS Deimos. We are conducting an operation on behalf of the Krenshawz government, but we are not beholden to them. Surrender now, and you will be given a fair trial. This is your one chance. If you do not surrender, only luck will ensure you are taken into custody. Your ships fleeing cannot help you, even if they were here. Surrender is your only option to ensure your safety. You have one hour. Deimos out.” He gestures to the comms officer to cut the channel.
The commander looks at the XO. "Trap? Is there a nuke on there?” Lero walks over to the Force Commander. ”Get your men into position. 10 klicks out. We’ll cover your approach. If they try to hit us, we’ll slab the rock. If we go in, go in fast and ready.”
The Force Commander nods and turns sharply, leaving the bridge to prepare the assault.
Sensors Rolls to detect Nuclear contamination or devices Formidable +14
/roll 2d6+4
2d6+4 = (6+1)+4 = 11
"Scopes are clean, commander," says Simpson. "If they have one it's bottled up."
"Thank you Simpson." Zernov furrows his brow. "Commander, this just doesn't fit. 8 ships on hot standby. Fueled and ready. Even if their bleak rock of a base had two fueling pumps it would have taken considerable effort to make all 8 vessels fueled and ready. Let's say they normally have some ready to capitalize an opportunity. Sure, fine. but 8? I don't buy it. It feels like they knew we were coming.
Lero rubs his chin and tugs at his beard. ”Yes, I agree with the assessment. That’s hours of prep, and pirates aren’t noted for being at the ready.
"Not at home base."
Carter turns with a grin. "Pop quiz time? ok XO let me run that figure for you."
Carter solves the problem out loud, enjoying the freedom to add his voice to the room, even if it is solving a simple puzzle for him.
Lero looks at the gunnery officer. ”Get me a firing solution on those hot spots. Plasma missiles.”
Carter pipes up "XO, if they are moving with military SOPs and training they could do it in 6 hours assuming all equipment is in good condition and the ships were using refined fuel. Since they likely don't have any of those things, I could safely estimate 50% - 100% more time spent on that operation."
Lieutenant Roberts cuts in during Carter's long explanation. "Yes, Commander. Simpson, could you give me an active lock?"
Lieutenant Roberts cuts in during Carter's long explanation. "Yes, Commander. Simpson, could you give me an active lock?"
Deimos Sensors to provide lock on 3 locations
/roll 2d6+4
2d6+4 = (2+2)+4 = 8
Deimos gunners acquire firing solution
/roll 2d6+2+1
2d6+2+1 = (4+4)+2+1 = 11
Lt. Roberts says, "Missiles Ready, commander."
Lero breathes in deeply and lets out an audible exhale. "Fire."
Roll Average (8+) Firing, with +3 for firing solution effect, -1 for ECEI.
/r 2d6+3-1
2d6+3-1 = (2+4)+3-1 = 8
The plasma missiles burst out from the missile bays along the sides of the ship, the rockets propelling them forward on a blue-white light. Accelerating into the emptiness of space toward the Kopan base. As they fly toward their targets, Lero orders the marines to get in their shuttles, depart the Deimos, and begin their approach.
After a couple of minutes, the plasma missiles explode against the rocky surface of the moon. Followed by the next volley of missiles making contact.
Lero asks, "Assessment?"
Lt. Roberts reports "Direct hit on sites Alpha and Bravo. Theta was not direct but still good effect. Heat signatures dissipating at natural rates. Looks like there's some un-exploded hydrogen leaking near the docks. The shock waves must have burst a containment vessel."
Lero says, "Good work. Keep an eye on them. Force Commander, you're clear to begin assault."
The acknowledgment comes over the comms, and Lero watches the trajectory arcs in the holodisplay following the six shuttles carrying 15 marines each. Ninety preparing to assault the ship. As the shuttles approach the contact point, the body cams come on and Lero gets a direct view of what the marines see. The view jerks as hard contact is made with the Kopan base. The piercing plasma cutters begin their work, breaching the base to hard vacuum. The marine maneuver into the base quickly and a makeshift airlock rises up to cover the breach and stop the rushing of atmosphere out.
Lero has always approved of the hard breach with quick exposure to vacuum. Tends to ensure that the assault teams have some clear ground in front of them. The squads begin to secure their positions. The base is large and will take several hours too clear. Lero raises the coffee mug to his lips, only to see it is empty. He's had several already. He will need more.
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