Chapter 1, Part 15: Krenshawz
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History of Hubble Space Telescope, NASA, MSFC, 2001 |
If you want to start at the beginning....
Rules for this referee-less, play by post game.
Chapter 1
Part 15
Zernov ambles into the room. Late night emergency meetings like this are when Zernov's age and preference for lower G is the most evident. He's stiff, and quicker to find his chair. The morning routine of stretches and warmups had to be skipped, and without combat there was no adrenaline to clear out the cobwebs.
Sitting deeply in his chair, Zernov focuses on reading ahead in the report before the briefing starts. Maybe no one will notice him falling behind while he's still waking up.
Lero steeples his fingers together and tells Perez to begin.
“Sir. The base was ostensibly intended for deep space mining. However, a document from a few years ago gives the base and Wistyour to do what they want with it. We found a single copy of the agreement. All others were scrubbed. We only know this because of the one we found.”
Perez stands up. “After extensive searches, we found nothing of use at the Kopan base. This, in itself, is telling and lends credence to the XO’s suspicions regarding Kopan’s seeming preparedness. Raiders would not have scrubbed and destroyed evidence so thoroughly.
“But when we tie this into what we found from Krenshawz government archives, the story becomes compelling. The Kopan base was formerly a military base. It was decommissioned a decade ago as a cost saving measure. Krenshawz was going through a severe economic downturn at the time. The base was then sold for next to nothing to a Xaz Wistyour. Specifically to his corporation, Wistyour Enterprises. Now, here it gets interesting. Wistyour is President Morrissy’s father-in-law.” Perez pauses and waits for the staff to chime in.
Lero says, ”Go on.”
"So what are your conclusions?" asks Lero.
"Sir, I think it's pretty clear to the intelligence team that Kopan is a front or cover for President Morrissy. Whether this is to advance her personal interests--that is, financially--or if it is for something more sinister, we don't have enough evidence to even speculate. Either way, it's probably not for the best interests of Krenshawz."
The commander stands up and refills his coffee and remains standing. He looks around the room. "We have done the task that was assigned to us. We've eliminated the Aneh Akai raiders. And then took out, supposedly, another band. This should bring the government back to the negotiating table to arrange a favorable agreement between the Imperium and Krenshawz. With what we've learned from Banks--and if it proves to be true--we can most likely ensure a level of effort on Krenshawz to stop and slow down the flow of illegal drugs into the Imperium. We could stop here. Make the deal and call it a day. That is the mission. An agreement that helps secure the support of governments in this sector against the larger Zhodani threat is out mission." He takes a sip of the coffee and purses his lips. Still too hot. "But I'd like to hear what others say." He looks at Zernov and the Count.
Gregory, the Force Commander, interrupts. He stands and pulls his coat down from the bottom edge. “Sir, if you’ll allow?”
Lero gestures for him to continue.
“We lost good marines in the assault. Marines who were acting for the Imperium. Marines giving the ultimate sacrifice, which is what we’re trained to do. And sir, they did it for the mission. I say we adhere to the parameters of our mission: secure a treaty favorable to our Emperor. However, I see know reason why we can’t make that agreement with the premier and then ensure she has the intelligence, the evidence of criminal activity by the president.”
”Alleged, at this point.”
“We give her what we have and let her go with it from there.” Gregory sits down, clasps his hands together, and crunches his mouth.
Zernov furrows his brow. "Tactically, we're in a terrible position when it comes to taking the moral high ground. Remember this system is our gateway home. We need this to be a safe system for us to jump into, refuel, and jump out of when we are done with this tour. Whatever waves we make here will have a long time to build before we get a chance to help again. The marines did exactly what was needed and bought some peace for the people in this system and and gave us the chance to create an ally for the Imperium. It's on us in this room to carry that to fruition."
”I’d prefer to not mix ourselves up in the local politics,” says Lero. ”It would not accomplish much. And if Kopan were a plot by Krenshawz’s president, we’ve done a number on them. Their suicide pact is disconcerting and frankly baffling. I think the most we can take away from that is that they were not normal raiders and the intelligence we’ve gathered is likely true.” Lero sits down. ”Let’s keep this information to ourselves for now. We’ll return to Krenshawz orbit. Negotiate a deal with the government. Confirm—or not—Banks’ story. Presuming all goes well, we can expect to get out of this system in a week or so.”
2d6+2 = (3+4)+2 = 9
Success. Effect +1. CEI improves by +1.
Task DM for ECEI checks is now instead of -1.
The pilot, Jackson, lays in a course to return to Krenshawz orbit. Lero orders the intelligence team to keep an idea the shuttle that was following them from earlier. Its presence still bothered Lero. Such a pointless job. What did they hope to achieve?
Over the course of several days, the ship slips into routine, with the minor interruption of a funeral ceremony for the fallen. The bodies he orders pushed toward Imperial space. Perhaps in a millennia they will cross back into its clutches--should the state they perished for still exist. Lero recalls an ancient poem: "The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est / Pro patria mori."
A day prior to the planned orbital entry, comms informs the commander that the courier has entered the system—the courier that will confirm or deny Banks’ story. Lero orders the Deimos to make contact. With the distance, the round trip is 133 minutes, 14 seconds.
Roll for truthfulness. 2d6. If 12, then banks is lying.
/r 2d6
2d6 = (2+2) = 4
Lero reviews the message. Banks is being truthful. He forwards the information to Zernov and the Count. He asks his XO, ”Recommendations on dealing with Banks now we’ve gotten confirmation.” The commander then asks the Count if he is prepared for the Krenshawz diplomacy.
As the Deimos slips into orbit, Lero meets with Banks in his office near the bridge.
“Given that I’m not in the brig,” says Banks, “I guess my story checked out.”
The commander leans back in the high-backed chair. ”It did. My thinking at this time is to continue with the deception that you are dead and hand over the prisoners to Krenshawz justice. Then you’ll go with us to the next system, where you can then figure out how to get back to Imperial space and not jeopardize whatever agreement we come to with this system.”
Banks stands up. “That works.” He extends his hand, offering it to Lero.
Lero shakes Banks’ hand. ”You need to stay aboard the Deimos until we reach Gyuen.”
"Honestly, who knows what this system will look like in 10 years when the Deimos is on her way home."
”Make him the offer. If he and the others accept, good. If not, we’ll live with the result. He’ll be back here. But I don’t get the sense he was too dangerous to the established order.”
After Banks departs Zernov fixes a drink. Looking to the commander a moment.
"How long till you think he's back in here, making trouble again? This is still his home and his cause. If you like we can see if Banks and his crew would serve as civilians." The implication that with the Deimos facing early losses they may need to consider civilian crew members hangs in the air.
”Make him the offer. If he and the others accept, good. If not, we’ll live with the result. He’ll be back here. But I don’t get the sense he was too dangerous to the established order.”
Lero reviews the shore leave plan the XO prepared and signs his agreement, triggering the creation of orders and passes that will be passed down to the line officers to dole out to their teams. Then he reviews the operations and logistics plans, refueling and re-supply. They hadn’t burned through much, but he had learned long ago to take every opportunity to obtain supplies while they had them.
Lero reviews Gregory’s recommendations to promote one marine from second lieutenant to first lieutenant and an Exemplary Service Medal, both of which he approves. He briefs the command staff on their duties while the senior staff negotiate with the locals.
After refreshing himself, he heads to the shuttle to await the XO and Count, along with Gregory and a small marine contingent. He forgives himself the sense of deja vu.
The trip down to the planet is as uneventful as the first time. The greeting, however, is different. Both the president and premier attend. While the premier seems more sure of herself than the first time, the president’s eyes are haggard and dark. Lines cut across her forehead, and Lero would swear she aged ten years. The Kopan results have indeed had an effect.
The trip down to the planet is as uneventful as the first time. The greeting, however, is different. Both the president and premier attend. While the premier seems more sure of herself than the first time, the president’s eyes are haggard and dark. Lines cut across her forehead, and Lero would swear she aged ten years. The Kopan results have indeed had an effect.
The Deimos command staff ride in the provided vehicles and are given the evening to prepare for the negotiations starting the next day.
Roll for negotiation success. Average (8+) Diplomat +2 for successful raider actions, 1d6 days
/r 2d6+2+1
2d6+2+1 = (1+1)+2+1 = 5
/r 1d6
1d6 = (4) = 4
After four days of negotiation, the crew of the Deimos can only manage to convince the
Krenshawz government to sign a minor trade deal. Lero is certain that the president opposes them at every turn due to the Kopan raids. Disgruntled and frustrated, he settles for what they can, but he leaves the planet disappointed.
Krenshawz government to sign a minor trade deal. Lero is certain that the president opposes them at every turn due to the Kopan raids. Disgruntled and frustrated, he settles for what they can, but he leaves the planet disappointed.
roll for shipboard event d66
/r d66
d66 = (11) = 11
/r d66
d66 = (11) = 11
As the command staff and marines ride the shuttle back to their ship, they learn of a power plant malfunction. It will take two days to repair, and the spaceport offers to sell spare parts at 300% their normal selling price. Lero refuses to pay. They have spares in storage, and he is not interested in acquiescing to exorbitant rates.
Lero cannot wait time leave this system.
The offer for Banks sits in draft format. Zernov figures he'll deliver it while in jump and ask for an answer before they return to reality, where coms work. Meanwhile, he can fiddle with it like an idle toy.
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