Chapter 1, Part 9: Krenshawz
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Asteroid Bennu Particles: NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona/Lockheed Martin |
Rules for this referee-less, play by post game.
Chapter 1
Part 9
The Count is still trying to recover from the whole fiasco with the head of the Krenshawz government. He thinks, They are playing us. The constant pushback from the President to any negotiations until the Deimos takes care of the pirates means there is something else in play in here. Looking at the data provided by the XO, I am almost certain this so called "pirate" is not what he appears to be. The Deimos just stepped in the middle of an internal strife between factions and we are being forced to take sides. As a representative of the Imperium, The Count prefers to remain neutral unless there was mounting evidence against a specific group, and even then, he believes in giving people a fair chance to defend themselves.The Count steps into the bridge as the Commander was reviewing the data on the abandoned asteroid.
"So Captain, based on what we know so far, do you believe these are really pirates, or are we just being played by Premier Rosa?"
Lero looks up from his pad and over at the Count. He rubs his chin and pulls up the data on Typhoon Strike. ”Looking at the reports filed by the local merchants and investigators, I see no reason to doubt they are indeed pirates and criminals. However, Krenshawz wants us to eliminate them, not bring them to justice.” Lero throws the report, an image of the pirate ship, and the asteroid base onto the big screen on the bridge. ”I’m not game for summary execution with limited data. I want to capture these folks and bring them to Krenshawz for a proper justice process—despite pirates getting tossed out the airlock.” Lero looks over at the Force Commander. ”I want three assault plan options.”
“Aye, sir.”
Lero says, ”Perez, what do the latest passive scans reveal?”
Average (8+) Roll for Sensors
/r 2d6+1+1-1
2d6+1+1-1 = (5+3)+1+1-1 = 9
The Count sits back in the armchair in the middle of the room. An almost intact steak lies a couple of feet from him. Hertwig barely touched it, but the situation at hand is really messing up with his appetite. Diplomatic missions are way simpler when the only thing you need to do is attend a ball, drink a couple of glasses of wine, and laugh at the bad jokes of a foreign dignitary.
Having to decide whether a group of rebels should live or die without a actually giving them a chance to explain seems unfair.
The Count grabs his data pad and starts dictating the message for Aneh Akai and his team.
"This message is for Aneh Akai and his group. I am Count Hertwig, ambassador to our Imperial Majesty Strephon Aella Alkhalikoi. We were on a diplomatic mission with the great Republic of Krenshawz, when we got a request for aid from their head of state. Apparently, your group is carrying illegal activities in their space and you are threatening the lives of peaceful citizens. The request was to obliterate the asteroid where your base is located. We have the fire power to do so, but that is not the way we do things in the Imperium. We believe that all citizens should have the opportunity to face their accuser and defend their point of view in front of a court. We are giving you the chance to surrender and face your accusers. Consider this option very seriously and let us know your response. You have one hour to do so. If you value the lives of your crew, you will accept. Over and out."
The Count sends the message to Lero and puts down the data pad beside him. I hope the Aneh and her crew decide to surrender. Not only do I want to avoid a bloodshed, but I also don’t want to give Premier Rosa the joy of thinking they can push our hand.
Hertwig activates the comm and calls Lero Commander. "The message is ready. Let’s meet tomorrow morning at the bridge before you transmit it. I would like to monitor Aneh’s reaction very closely. We all want to avoid a bloodshed, but I will not tolerate any additional acts of violence from him or his crew."
They discuss some details, and then Gregory leaves. He stated his objections and concerns but is prepared to carry out his orders.
Roll Diplomacy to determine how well the message was received
/roll 2d6+2
2d6+2 = (5+6)+2 = 13
Average (8+) Roll for Sensors
/r 2d6+1+1-1
2d6+1+1-1 = (5+3)+1+1-1 = 9
Perez stands up. "They confirm our existing assessments, sir. I recommend a closer approach with active scanning.”
Lero looks at Zernov. ”XO, thoughts?”
Lero looks at Zernov. ”XO, thoughts?”
Zernov nods his assent to the plan. The staff is dismissed, and Lero takes dinner in his stateroom. He dines on a steak (artificially made), salad lightly dressed with oil and salt, and a side of rice with a spicy sauce drizzled over it. He washes it down with seltzer water, all while listening to the Dlan Symphonic Orchestra and Choir performing the ostensibly religious Symphony No. 131 “Dreams of All Times” by Xavir var Aniz. Lero recalls an article he read years after leaving Dlan that proposed Aniz’s works were, in reality, subversive works of art, a direct challenge to the ruling religion of his native homeward. Whether they were or not, Lero enjoys the music.
As he considers the coming actions, he debates how best to avoid bloodshed. The intel they have suggests more is going on than seems apparent. He activates the comm and calls the Count. ”Your eminence, I think we should give the raiders of Aneh Akai an opportunity to surrender before we attack. Can you prepare a statement as such?”
The Count says, "Good evening commander. Let me work on it. I’ve been struggling with the idea of attacking the asteroid without giving them a chance to surrender. I should have it ready by tomorrow. Rest well."As he considers the coming actions, he debates how best to avoid bloodshed. The intel they have suggests more is going on than seems apparent. He activates the comm and calls the Count. ”Your eminence, I think we should give the raiders of Aneh Akai an opportunity to surrender before we attack. Can you prepare a statement as such?”
The Count sits back in the armchair in the middle of the room. An almost intact steak lies a couple of feet from him. Hertwig barely touched it, but the situation at hand is really messing up with his appetite. Diplomatic missions are way simpler when the only thing you need to do is attend a ball, drink a couple of glasses of wine, and laugh at the bad jokes of a foreign dignitary.
Having to decide whether a group of rebels should live or die without a actually giving them a chance to explain seems unfair.
The Count grabs his data pad and starts dictating the message for Aneh Akai and his team.
The Count sends the message to Lero and puts down the data pad beside him. I hope the Aneh and her crew decide to surrender. Not only do I want to avoid a bloodshed, but I also don’t want to give Premier Rosa the joy of thinking they can push our hand.
Hertwig activates the comm and calls Lero Commander. "The message is ready. Let’s meet tomorrow morning at the bridge before you transmit it. I would like to monitor Aneh’s reaction very closely. We all want to avoid a bloodshed, but I will not tolerate any additional acts of violence from him or his crew."
Lero reads the message the Count wrote. It convinces him even more to offer the raiders a chance to surrender. They would want assurances of a true justice. Will I be able to ensure that? I will not hand them over without such assurances, but once out of my control, I can only hope.
Pulling up his datapad, he calls the Force Commander in. As he waits for Gregory, Lero pours himself a whiskey. He knows Gregory is a teetotaler, so he does not pour a second glass. When Gregory arrives, Lero briefs him on the updated plan.
Pulling up his datapad, he calls the Force Commander in. As he waits for Gregory, Lero pours himself a whiskey. He knows Gregory is a teetotaler, so he does not pour a second glass. When Gregory arrives, Lero briefs him on the updated plan.
“Sir,” says the Force Commander, “if they don’t except, we are telegraphing our attack. It increases the risk to our marines.”
”Yes, it does. But I think it necessary,” says Lero.
Roll Diplomacy to determine how well the message was received
/roll 2d6+2
2d6+2 = (5+6)+2 = 13
Lero, the Count, and the XO go to the bridge, where they send off the message and wait. Gregory announces his assault team is ready. Lero says to Perez, ”Okay, give me active sensors. Let them see us. All stations on alert.”
Zernov and others sound off the orders and the bridge takes on the life of a ship with purpose. Lero tries hard not to smile with the thrill.
Roll Average (8+) Sensors
/r 2d6
2d6 = (6+6) = 12
Zernov and others sound off the orders and the bridge takes on the life of a ship with purpose. Lero tries hard not to smile with the thrill.
Roll Average (8+) Sensors
/r 2d6
2d6 = (6+6) = 12
Perez says, “Sir, we’ve got solid hits. We’re pinging the hell out of ‘em. Four ships. Two are far traders—Marava class. One is a free trader, Type-A. The fourth is a Gazelle-class close escort. It’s in the hangar.”
”Armaments?” asks Lero.
“Can’t be 100% certain. Typical configuration would be two particle beam barbettes and two triple turret lasers.”
”Very well.”
Ensign Boyd, the comms officer, says, “They’re hailing us.”
Lero looks at the Count and nods. ”Put them on.”
Boyd lets him know she’s connected them to the bridge’s comm system.
Lero says, ”This is Commander Callam Lero, Captain of the INS Deimos. Who is speaking?”
“Dixie Banks, captain of Aneh Akai.” The voice is gravelly, deep and with a hint of anger.
Lero looks at the Count.
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