Chapter 1, Part 10: Krenshawz
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Perseus Molecular Cloud Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech |
If you want to start at the beginning....
Rules for this referee-less, play by post game.
Chapter 1
Part 10
The Count takes a step forward. "Captain Banks, this is Count Hertwig of the INS Deimos. I believe you received our message and we are glad you decided to engage in a civilized manner. Are you open to discuss the terms of your surrender?"
Zernov's shoulders tighten. The Deimos can lean real hard on a couple traders and an old rock... Would be a shame if our first act of diplomacy is to execute these pirates. If Banks starts popping off and forces our hand who knows how that word will spread.
Looking to Lt. Robert's screen it's clear she already has the gunners acquiring a firing solution in case marines aren't an option. Checking again at the marine biometrics, heart rates of our bravest are above normal but steady.... The Deimos is ready.
Zernov looks to the commander to gauge his temperament. Seeing the smallest hint of pride on Lero's face tells Zernov the Deimos will not likely flex today, If Lero can help it. Zernov's shoulders relax.
Intel has had its time to uncover the situation. time's run out. A solar system's worth of possible paths, focused down to less than a handful now...
Banks’ voice seems hesitant at first but grows stronger. “We’re clearly outclassed by you. Any attempt to fight will mean we die, so I don’t see I’m in much of a position to outright refuse. However, I don’t want to turn myself and my compatriots over to the Krenshawz authorities that will just execute us. I need promises. Therefore, I’m willing to meet to discuss how we can avoid bloodshed.”
Looking to Lt. Robert's screen it's clear she already has the gunners acquiring a firing solution in case marines aren't an option. Checking again at the marine biometrics, heart rates of our bravest are above normal but steady.... The Deimos is ready.
Zernov looks to the commander to gauge his temperament. Seeing the smallest hint of pride on Lero's face tells Zernov the Deimos will not likely flex today, If Lero can help it. Zernov's shoulders relax.
Intel has had its time to uncover the situation. time's run out. A solar system's worth of possible paths, focused down to less than a handful now...
Banks’ voice seems hesitant at first but grows stronger. “We’re clearly outclassed by you. Any attempt to fight will mean we die, so I don’t see I’m in much of a position to outright refuse. However, I don’t want to turn myself and my compatriots over to the Krenshawz authorities that will just execute us. I need promises. Therefore, I’m willing to meet to discuss how we can avoid bloodshed.”
The Count says, "I don't think we can promise them anything else beyond that. Commander if you agree, I would invite them to come on board the Deimos to discuss the situation. What are your thoughts?"
"Do it.”
The Count mutes the feed once again and turns to the XO. "XO, once we have a confirmation of who else is coming along with the Captain, I want you to run a background check for all of them. I want to know who they are before they set a foot in our ship"
"Absolutely Count." Zernov looks to Sub lieutenant Perez, the intel officer, with a quick nod to pass the civilian request to that team, transforming it into a military order.
Zernov considers for a moment before addressing Colonel Gregory. "Colonel, your marines are getting reassigned. The pirates have agreed to come aboard to negotiate surrender. Get your people prepared to receive them. We'll want a security station for them to surrender weapons prior to talks. We're not sure what the compliment will be aboard their ship. Make a squad setup to observe their ship while it's docked and another to secure the docking bay."
Gregory grumbles "Aye, Sir. I'll put the receiving team in soft armor, the rest will be dressed for contingency."
"Very good." Looking to the ship's Operations Officer, Zernov continues. "Simpson, lets make sure the briefing room near the docking bay is cleaned up and ready for the Commander and Count to receive Captain Banks."
Lieutenant Jimmie Simpson always seemed like he was the life of a frat-house, a leader but in making trouble. "Aye sir, I think that room still smells like poker night. I'll make sure life support is on it. Red carpet or keep to our standard grey and dark grey floors?"
"Thank you Simpson, that'll be all."
The Count thinks for a couple of seconds, pondering the pros and the cons of delaying the news to the Krenshawz. "Let's wait until we have at list the first round of negotiations. They really wanted us to kill them ASAP, so I don't think they will be very happy if they know we decided to give them a chance to talk first." The Count turns toward the Commander with an inquisitive look in his face Commander, "I have experience with more diplomatic type of conversations. Based on your military experience, any special precautions we should take during the talks?"
Lero says, "Let's be sure the marines are present. And we'll need to continue to monitor their base to make sure nothing is up."
Banks comes back on. "Our delegation will be boarding a shuttle soon."
Lero says, "We'll know to expect you."
The crew separates and prepares for the arrival of the shuttle and the representatives of Aneh Akai. Banks sends over a list of four names in addition to himself: Junius Tow, Isidore Foster, Watson Corney, and Donnie Sabilline. Lero ensures that the XO and Perez see the information.
About fifteen minutes after Banks said they were coming over, a small shuttle exits the bay of the asteroid base.
As the shuttle transits, Lero reviews the first information coming from Perez. The staff has moved to the more comfortable confines of the staff conference room, and cups of coffee and half-eaten sandwiches litter the table. Lero flicks up the four images and Banks' so that all can see them. "What the hell?" He cannot contain his surprise. "She's a girl." He gesture to Isidore. "Something is definitely going on here."
As the shuttle transits, Lero reviews the first information coming from Perez. The staff has moved to the more comfortable confines of the staff conference room, and cups of coffee and half-eaten sandwiches litter the table. Lero flicks up the four images and Banks' so that all can see them. "What the hell?" He cannot contain his surprise. "She's a girl." He gesture to Isidore. "Something is definitely going on here."
Lero watches as Perez furiously types and scrolls through data. “Sir, we have nothing on the girl.”
”What about the others?” asks the commander.
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