Chapter 1, Part 6: Krenshawz
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Public Domain: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ.of Ariz. |
If you want to start at the beginning....
Rules for this referee-less, play by post game.
Chapter 1
Part 6
McRoddon and Lero parted at the hotel some Krenshawz government personnel secured for the Deimos crew. Called The Crown Haven. The building rose 20 stories and was made of a bright blue colored stone. Numerous flags fluttered from angled poles above the entrance. Lero was escorted by a clerk to his room on the 20th floor. One of the marines stood outside his door. He saw two others outside what Lero assumed were the Count’s and XO’s rooms. The marine salutes Lero, who returned it.
The room was decorated in a gaudy array of bas-relief landscapes and cityscapes. One featured a tall central figure in what looked to be the High Court of Appeals President Morrissy had pointed out earlier that day. The figure was surrounded by prostrate people. Lero guessed it was some historical representation.
The commander contacted the Deimos. The re-supply was proceeding apace and nothing out of the ordinary. After finishing the conversation, Lero contacted the Count and XO and invited them to his room to confer. He then asked the marine to fetch one of the bottles of Regina whiskey that was brought down in the shuttle, one of Lero’s favorites.
The commander contacted the Deimos. The re-supply was proceeding apace and nothing out of the ordinary. After finishing the conversation, Lero contacted the Count and XO and invited them to his room to confer. He then asked the marine to fetch one of the bottles of Regina whiskey that was brought down in the shuttle, one of Lero’s favorites.
/r 2d6+3
2d6+3 = (4+4)+3 = 11
/r 2d6+3
2d6+3 = (6+1)+3 = 10
/r 2d6+3
2d6+3 = (6+4)+3 = 13
Glancing through the reports Zernov flags a couple interesting tidbits for the commander to review. "Look here. These pirates, the Akai Aneh aren't even the worst in the system. That honor goes to Kopan. Just in terms of what they're able to pull off, Akai Aneh are second-tier thugs. Why point us their direction?"
Taking the tumbler and tilting it in a motion to cheers the drink. "Thanks commander. I don't know how you can tolerate this without ice."
Lero chuckles. "Running around on Dlan’s streets and those religious zealots did not tolerate alcohol. So what we found was only ever neat. Never learned to drink it otherwise.”
Zernov hasn't heard much about the commander's past, other than the official CV and field reports, which get scrubbed and fabricated. "How big was your outfit in Dlan? Dodging theocratic thugs. you couldn't have been too big. I would think families with kids are out of the question too."
After taking a drink and savoring it, Lero looks at Zernov. "Just me. Me being a snot of a kid. My parents were good parents. My grandfather was better. My brother, well, he's a different story." He shakes his head. "And you, Zernov. What's your story?"
2d6+2 = (1+3)+2 = 6
Zernov keys out a quick message to Hertwig, "Commander opened a bottle of whiskey. come in before it's gone." Looking to Commander Lero, the XO says, "Understood. When do you want the intel team to shift focus to the pirates? Do we have enough on the politicians already?"
Count Hertwig enters the room still with a clearly upset look in his face. "Gentlemen, I hope this small celebration is accompanied with good news. So far all Diplomatic approaches have been extremely unsuccessful with the Krenshawz. I am still trying to figure out if it all part of a historical grudge with the Imperium or if there is something else."
Lero hands over a glass the Count a glass with whiskey. Hertwig takes a quick sip and feels a slight burn in the back of his throat. Although Hertwig does not consider Lero a sophisticated man, he has to recognize that he has a superb taste in whiskey. "Commander, what is your take of this situation? Is this their way of 'getting back' at the Imperium or are we just in the middle of a domestic dispute between different factions in this region?"
Lero hands over a glass the Count a glass with whiskey. Hertwig takes a quick sip and feels a slight burn in the back of his throat. Although Hertwig does not consider Lero a sophisticated man, he has to recognize that he has a superb taste in whiskey. "Commander, what is your take of this situation? Is this their way of 'getting back' at the Imperium or are we just in the middle of a domestic dispute between different factions in this region?"
Lero leans back in the chair and scratches his beard, which he noticed earlier showed some gray flecks. "I think we should communicate to our Krenshawz counterparts that we will assist here and ask for their intel. Let's go ahead and put our intel on the raiders now--but keep monitoring the government officials. I don't want to miss something." He looks over at Hertwig. "I think it's both. Regardless, raiders are a pestilence. Let's deal with them. Build some trust, but let's be careful we're not just helping one of these factions. They've only given us one raider group to target. Perhaps we deal with both."
Hertwig says, "I like the plan. It allows us to gain some goodwil with them without coming as servile."
Lero says, "Okay. Then let's carry the message we'll assist but not mention taking out both. XO, see about getting the intel from there," he waves his hands, "whatever their intelligence agency is that has this stuff. I presume, your excellency, you'd like to deliver the message back to Morrissy and Norman?"
"Yes, I’ll do it, although I think I’ll wait until tomorrow morning to do so. I am exhausted after dealing with such negative people. I can understand internal disputes when they involve real estate, but the Premier and the President are fighting for a seat in a government that has little to no power within the Imperium. Sometimes humans still amaze me." Hertwig takes one last sip from his whiskey and walks toward the door. "It has been a long day gentlemen. Rest well and see you tomorrow.”
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