Goodwill Tour Orders


By order of His Imperial Majesty Strephon Aella Alkhalikoi, Prime Lord of the Armed Forces, Archduke of Sylea, President of the Moot, Appellate Extraordinary, Defender of the Marches, Emperor of the Core, the Gateway, the Marches, Vland, Ilelish, Antares, and the Rim, the INS Deimos under the command of Commander Callam Lero and served by Count Hertwig, as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, is to tour the Foreven sector in the name of His Imperial Majesty and expressing and displaying the love of His Majesty and his subjects for the people of Foreven.

The mission of the INS Deimos and crew is the following:
  1. Visit each system of the Foreven sector
  2. Assess the friendliness of the local governing authority to the Imperium
  3. Establish diplomatic relations with the local governing authority
  4. Attempt to ensure that the local governing authority would ally itself with His Imperial Majesty and the Imperium should the need arise
  5. Short of that, attempt to ensure the local governing authority’s neutrality
  6. Agree to a formal treaty stating the terms of the relationship with the Imperium
  7. Agree to cultural, trade, and scientific concords where Imperial interests are advanced
  8. Assess the capabilities of each system to determine potential strategic value and provide potential tactical options
  9. Assess and report on each system’s culture, government, manufacturing and scientific capabilities, and flora and fauna.
  10. Render aid and service when called upon so long as it does not hinder Imperial goals and aims
  11. Give aid and comfort to Imperial allies
  12. Eliminate pirate bases and ships, arresting the crews and submitting them to the local governing authority’s justice
  13. Report on any potential Zhodani Consulate or other threats to the Imperium
  14. Scout out and report on potential forward operating or reconnaissance bases for Imperial forces should the need arise

The crew can resupply using the good faith and credit of His Imperial Majesty and Bank Janus. Letters and promissory notes to attesting to such good faith and credit are available to the commanding officer and primary diplomat. 

Count Hertwig is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for His Imperial Majesty for the duration of the tour. Commander Callam Lero is the commanding officer of the INS Deimos, and as such, the primary military and ship commander for the duration of the tour. Both have broad authority to act according to what he sees advances His Majesty’s goals. Upon their death, incapacitation, or other inability to serve in their function, acting rules of command inheritance are to be observed, including acting ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary. 

The INS Deimos is to conduct itself according to the Rules of Engagement as documented in the Imperial Naval Manual, section 133.1.2b. Lacking clear guidelines and being far from Imperial territory, you are commanded to protect your ship and crew from deadly threat.

You may recruit for replacement crew from non Zhodani-Consulate aligned systems, following all Imperial protocols as set forth in the Imperial Naval Manual, section 203.32.3c.

The INS Deimos is to be served by a standard complement of crew and a company of marines.

In all matters, you are to conduct yourself to the highest Imperial standards.

His Imperial Majesty Strephon Aella Alkhalikoi


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