Etert Ristoff's Ship: Category One

After mustering out of the Imperial Navy, Etert decided to pursue a life amongst the stars and visiting new cultures and worlds by financing his way with mining. Using a couple of ship's shares and taking a large loan, he purchased a used Type-J Seeker mining starship, that he dubbed Category One . He fitted out the computer software with Intellect software for Astrogation, Engineering (both maneuver and jump drives), and Gunnery. That way, he can cruise the stars along, without taking on a crew. Some risk, of course, remains--software can't do physical repairs. However, Etert is confident and determined to go it alone. Perhaps more radically, he has opted to leave Imperial space by taking in the Foreven Sector, seeking mining and money-making opportunities. From a gaming perspective, I will be using random encounter rolls when entering the system, using High Guard 's mining rules, etc. I will also use online generators for NPCs and the ALONe system for determining rand...