First Prep for Solo Game

For the Goodwill Tour, I rolled up randomly nearly every planet in the Foreven sector. I left untouched the few canonical worlds, but everything else was random with one exception. A campaign idea revolves around the planet Tavisol, which I purposely designed and also wanted a bit of distance from other system. Reasons. The rest, though, I went random. I was toying with a few ideas for running my solo game, and I kept to the area around Tavisol. I had not fleshed out any of the systems beyond the basic rolls, and the few multi system polities I left ready to be discovered. Hence, the People’s Supremacy seemed like a potentially interesting setting. A totalitarian state with a charismatic oligarchy centered on Klebe (C246ACD-D). I’ve started to flesh out this government, which I’ll share in the near future. I also determined to set my solo game in Carcharoth (C630776-B), a captive government under the thumb of the People’s Supremacy. My solo game will focus on a band of rebels. I’m goin...